we bring 3D Worlds Brands Content Community accessibility retention events Compatibility to life

Explorer Alpha 2.0
omnistream Launch
A 3D world and community platform built for accessibility and cross platform compatibility.
The Arcade District connects our Streaming Platform to the Epic Games creative ecosystem.
District B allows users to launch startups, manage enterprises, and network using virtual spaces.
The Creative District showcases your talents, collaborations, and turning ideas into reality.
The Developer District you'll find immersive environment design tools and infrastructure.
The Entertainment District is the stage to host concerts, events, and immersive storytelling.
The Fashion District redefines design with phygital collections and showcases for your designs.

Omnistream brings 3d worlds to any browser
The Omniverse City is based around our proprietary pixel streaming platform and our community-building tools called OmniStream. These systems are designed to be accessible from any browser on any device, helping people and brands gain the ability to use and build 3D worlds for use cases not only in the gaming world but also in the medical industry, educational sector, architecture, government, and manufacturing. We provide not only the platform to build your world but also additional tools to help your community explore, connect, and grow.
Streaming 3d worlds and community domains

Explore both our pixel streaming 3d worlds though Domains to explore communities and learn more


Meet the digital Residents of Omniverse City
Omniverse City is home to a vibrant community of AI-powered citizens known as DigOzens. These digital personas embody community members and real-world experts, trained using real-world data. They continuously learn from our user base and are seamlessly integrated throughout Omniverse City and OmniStream user spaces. Users can effortlessly create and deploy their own DigOzens to interact with others, share updates on events and information, and enhance the overall immersion and enjoyment of the virtual world.
Some of our Digozens you can meet

Explore the Omnistream spaces and get to meet our Digozens

Omniverse City is going Cross-Platform
The Omniverse City is evolving and growing our pixel streaming and community driven social 3D platform to expand into the Epic Games Creative Ecosystem. This provides our license holders and community members not only access our stand-alone pixel streaming platform and tools, but now allows them to grow with us and provide new tools and support to help everyone get access to 650+ Million active users within The Omniverse Cities across the Epic Games Creative Ecosystem. This exposure to one the largest community of users in gaming will allow your digital presence to be seen by players ready to hop in and explore.
Platforms to Feature The Omniverse City

Explore both our pixel streaming 3d world or across the full cross platform ecosystem
Play - build - Grow with us
The Player Base
Omniverse City is more than just a platform, it’s a fun world to explore and play! We not only provide a fun 3D social platform for users to build communities and digital lives, but our Unreal Engine cross-platform presence also gives players direct access to Omniverse City through games like Fortnite, Rocket Racing, Fall Guys, and more as they become part of our universe. Players can participate in our pixel streaming city for events, climb leaderboards, and engage in countless activities, all from any browser, giving them the ability to be omnipresent across all platforms The Omniverse City exists within.

The Community Base
Looking for something more advanced? Omniverse City offers a system that lets players create their own communities and 3D Spaces without the need for expensive hardware or learning a complex game engine. Our 3D and web based platform is built on Pixel Streaming, making it accessible from any device through its web browser. Combined with our Unreal Engine-based building system, designed to be as intuitive as the base building and house decorating mechanics found in popular games, this empowers players to create and start learning the fundamentals of game and 3D world building. Plus, our platform provides an audience eager to discover and explore!
The Producer Base
Ready to take the leap into the game industry? With our Producer Tier Licenses, you not only gain all the benefits of our Pixel Streaming platform but also join us in achieving cross-platform success. Producers have the opportunity to play, build, and thrive by earning a share of our Producer Pool. We are dedicating a substantial percentage of our Unreal Engine creator payouts and redistributing it to our Producer License Holders through limited to 10 producers per 5 games. This ensures the Producer Pool does not get stretched too thin to be sustainable and the budget is always there for updates to keeping the games fresh, fun to play and highly replayable.

explore OMNIVERSE city on multiple platforms
The Omniverse City Alpha 2 is free to explore on any PC using our Pixel Streaming Platform or any of our upcoming cross-platform Epic Games creative system to extend your experience and find your place to grow within the city and it’s evolution by claiming one of our various licenses.
City Omniverse City friends. Simply visit our marketplace or email us at in**@th**********.city for more information about licenses.